Characterization of Tal Soils of Chandan River Catchment of South-East Bihar


  • AJIT KUMAR PANDEY Division of Land and Water Management, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna-800 014
  • ANIL KUMAR SINGH ICAR Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna 800014


Nine pedons representing Chandan river system of Banka and Bhagalpur district of south Bihar comes under Tal and upland physiography were selected for detailed investigation of the soils. In general Tal soils were light gray to dark gray in color, clay to clay loam in texture and old alluvium soils were gray to grayish yellow in color, heavy textured with wide cracking fall under the watershed of Chandan River. The upland physiography of old alluvial soils under immediate influence of the river Chandan are characterized by Yellowish brown in colour, sandy loam to sandy clay loam in texture, presence of low organic carbon, neutral reaction to slightly alkaline (pH 6.4 -7.7), very slow to slow hydraulic conductivity, lower CEC, while the soils on upland, under immediate influence of Chandan river are light olive in colour, sandy loam to sandy-clay-loam. This study was conducted to recommend soil test efficient nutrient management for improving agricultural productivity and with an objective to sustain soil health of the Chandan River System in South-East Bihar in India.

Author Biography

AJIT KUMAR PANDEY, Division of Land and Water Management, ICAR-Research Complex for Eastern Region, Patna-800 014

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